Tuesday, August 07, 2007

shoot the television!

i shot the television [sounds like elvis!] last night w/the vision quest key chain [toy] digital camera... of some german documentary on the DDR... i like the reflection of the lamp -in color- floating in the "vortex" in the background of the top one. i liked the blurred images in the one below...speaking of blurred: the old saying is [of nude photos] "if it's in focus it's pornography; if it's out of focus it's art" --- i ran across fotos online by german photographer thomas ruff, which really blur that line!

i shot the pic [below] w/ the casio the night before last: a shot of the tv in my bedroom, showing some B&D scene from a porn clip/ad. you don't see this on normal cable in america!

[c]2007 doug duffey