Tuesday, June 12, 2007

scanning polaroids

self portrait mid 1960s/Polaroid- after Photoshop clean up

i've been on a Polaroid scanning binge after discovering some very interesting bits in some i'd scanned from the 1960s recently: things like other people reflected in someone's sunglasses etc. things which weren't noticed until i scanned/saved them and saw them on dvd- very "Blow-up" [movie] like stuff!

so... i've been going back through all my old fotos and foto albums; taking out the Polaroids to re-scan at hi resolution. i never realized just how many Polaroids i shot over the years! i have a whole Polaroid-documentary of the 1960s [and even until now!]

i recently found color P film on sale at Walgreen's [buy one pack get one free] and snapped up several packs,
but just ordered black and white [like i used in the 60s] to explore further. the B&W has more of an edge than the color. i especially like it when accidents happen, like this double exposure below. HOW did that happen/ most P cameras spit the foto out, pronto; this must've been an older model... need to dig it out! i'm waaaaaaaaay into double exposures!

self portrait/beach/double exposure/ 1970s- Polaroid scanned; NO photoshop on this one!

edmund williamson and i discussed doing an exhibit of 1960s art: his paintings my fotos... so stay tuned! it could happen...

[c]2007 doug duffey