Wednesday, June 20, 2007

downtown cemetery test shots

was out shooting/testing with several new 2nd hand cameras... AND my old stand-bys [my vivitar plastic panoramic camera] - i keep 2 w/me- [1 with 100ASA the other w 400ASA]- the shot above is with the vivitar... using ilford xp-2 [400 asa] -this was NOT a test w/this camera. i love it; it always works; no knobs to twiddle, no f/stops or shutter speeds, or batteries... nada... simply open it's little eye and shoot. you have a choice of regular size shot, or panorama. i usually get the best shots ever with it [or one of them... i have maybe 5, and buy them wheresoever i find one... usually goodwill for 50 cents!]... now just why did i buy that Leica... Rollei... etc.?

i recently found an old 'kodak pony 135' [made in 1950- the year i was born] i've had forever- and figured out how to use it a few days ago [had thought it was broken but like my old agfas' needed the barrel pulled out before the shutter would work] - it's pretty complicated and has to be set etc and a lever moved before you can advance the next frame, etc. but great for double exposures, i'm thinking. this was shot w/the pony using kodak Bw400CN [400 asa]

this last shot was done with a Minolta Hi-Matic 7s [of which i have about 3 or 4, now]- which i saw and bought in an "antique mall" the other day... [this was shot using color -a rarity for me- Fuji 100 asa]- but because it had no battery in it, the camera's built-in light meter didn't work... so, i just diddled with what i thought were the right f/stops and shutter speeds... yawn... the shots came out very grainy... i put in a battery as soon as i got home!

btw... had all this film scanned and put on cd at my local drug store yesterday...

[c]2007 doug duffey