Monday, April 30, 2012

drive by shootings with phone- mlu

drive by shootings with cell phone- 4.28.12.- mlu: 

 killin' time in my ride- runnin' the streets- home, funky sweet home. strange monuments, strange altars, ignored or forgotten. unasked for sacrifices. angels, ghosts and haints long gone. spirits leaving spaces empty and lost. memories crumbling before my eyes. 
scars and wounds on dead, dried, crusty corpses. brick and rust, wood and rot. go down, old hannah.the gallant, tragically beautiful, and elegantly downtrodden south; louisiana, the fertile delta: the mother, the womb, the birthplace of all soul...
[doug duffey 4.30.2012]

all images by doug duffey april 28, 2012- shot w/samsung android galaxy s cell phone w/ pogo  & retro camera + app  [c]2012 doug duffey