Monday, June 30, 2008

polaroid one step & close up- more about

i took the film out of the "One-Step" when it started screwing up and put it in the "One Step Closeup"- it spat out all the remaining film out- plain white on all shots- i grabbed them and mashed them up- then scanned them and got things like the above- which i photo-shopped; reminds me of 1960s light shows!--- i might also take a few snaps them mash them as the picture 'comes up' to see what happens. this was kind of cool- a happy accident.

thinking something was wrong with even that camera i stuck in a new pack of film- went outside and tried a self portrait- [i blurred it some in photoshop]- and it worked fine. i guess it wanted it's own pack of film! thank s to a friend i have hundreds!

AND ONE MORE THING: i went back to the link i posted earlier and read more: and realized that the Polaroid sx-70 [discontinued] film was obviously 4x slower than todays 600- that's why all the outdoor shots i did today came out white! SO i tried some shots in the house [night] and they worked! they have a yellow tint- but that's rather ok. now to find/make a little filter for the camera lens-so i can shoot outside!

i dont know why i f++k with this as i have about 10+ various polaroid cameras- my OCD has kicked in again...
[c]2008 doug duffey