my friend john brown sent me about 300 packs of Polaroid film [or more... i didn't count it... but there were 3 huge boxes full!] so i plan to shoot a lot of Polaroids before i leave [of the beautiful disappearing south]*** and when i get to CH. i love Polaroid- and always buy up old cameras when i find them. i got one with the flash attachment broken off for 1$, which is great for daytime shots; sometimes the shots come out blurry, which i also like.
i also bought a new Casio digital earlier this year [like my old one, but it's 8MP with zoom] - even though the old one is much quicker to use. i got it because after Prague i decided i needed a zoom. my friend Boris gave me several old Russian cameras, some of which i left in Switzerland to use when i go back; and i bought several SLRs when there last trip. i'm always amazed at how the 2nd hand shops there always have incredible cameras for maybe 10$-20$- i got a great manual Pentacon for about 15$! of course i found a 2nd one shortly afterward w/2 great lenses for 100CHF= maybe 75$, but still... quite a deal. however, the digital cams are easier to blog with; but i prefer real film, and Polaorids- physical backup- especially after almost losing 500+ shots on a "memory card" [joke] in CZ.
***speaking of "lost"- and "the beautiful disappearing south" - yesterday, i drove down the road where i shot a photo of a beautiful huge old wooden barn earlier this year- planning to shoot it again- and it was gone! i felt sick. had i known that was going to happen i would have gone and shot more fotos of it... and begged for the wood. the barn was massive. i could have built several houses with that wood! I'm sure they just demolished and burnt it. the destruction of progress is sickening.

[c]2007 doug duffey